Tuesday, November 1, 2011


I am interviewing my dad

Q1: was your marriage a church wedding,  yes
Q2: for how long was your wife your fiance, 5 years

Q3: what was your biggest setback before marriage, moving from vancouver to sturgeon falls.

Q4: were you worried of how much money she was going to spend, no

Q5: did your marriage have a wedding party of some kind after the church, yes with family, freinds, cake, champaign and my favorite part my wife.

Q6: what kind of ring did you give her/her give you, she gave me a gold ring, I gave her a gold ring with a diamond on it

Q7: why did you marry her, because she hit me in the eye (shes pretty) and I live her for who she is.

Q8:did you both want kids, yes

Q9: where did you marry: sturgeon falls ontario canada

Q10: did you get a honeymoon, no

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