Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Family traditions

In my family we celebrate all catholic ceremonies and holidays but we also celebrate all of the other celebrations going on in canada. For christmas we often eat meat pie, pie, turkey and many other meals. We celebrate new year in a smaller way but we still do.

As family my grandma makes a big dinner for chrismas and my other grandma for easter their all just gigantic meals we wake up the next morning moaning of being so full and lack of sleep but its always worth the price. We celebrate Canada day with fireworks and chrismas in july which ginve us something to do in the summer.
In summer me and my dad go fishing at least every 3 days which is alot of fishing and a lot of fish, actually so much fish that we share it with the rest of the family. The day ends with a big fish fry.

Around my city, food is a big thing but not as big as in china. Sport is Huge around my city we play Ice Hockey, Soccer, Football, Baseball, Ball Hockey, Diving, Fishing, Swimming and so many other sports to outnumber the ammount of known digits in PI.

My family is very sporty and very healthy :) :) :)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

My favorite place is Lake Emerald in Canada we go there during fall to fish hunt and swim. The water is very clear and cold. We always go to the gold mine for a walk. We usualy hunt for pardridge, some people hunt for moose of deer but we dont because they are getting endangered. Soon i would like to go gold rushing in the sands of the mine. My moms freind rented a chalet every year but now we have to go to a different because someone else rented it. The fish is getting scarcer in the lake so now we just go there to hunt and camp. It is in the north of ontario, never very hot the maximum temperture would be 26 degrees celcius during the summer, we don't need AC. In the winter the minimum temperature is -42 degrees celcius, but we do need heaters. On the lake there is this big sandbar where the boat got stuck a couple times beacuse the water level keeps changing. I love everything in the north of Canada, but Emerald lake is my favorite.